“The largest part of the energy required to defrost an evaporator in a freezer goes back into the refrigeration system as added load, typically more than 80%” -Ron Cole, P.E. 1989, “Refrigeration Loads in a Freezer Due to Hot Gas Defrost and Their Associated Cost.” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 95, Part 2
“The largest part of the energy required to defrost an evaporator in a freezer goes back into the refrigeration system as added load, typically more than 80%”
“Only 15% of the heat required to defrost actually is carried out by the condensate water.”-Donald H. Niederer, President, Krack Corporation“Frosting and Defrosting Effects on Coil Heat Transfer”, 1976, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol 82, pgs 467-473
“Only 15% of the heat required to defrost actually is carried out by the condensate water.”